Apectodinium homomorphum
From Fensome et al., 2019:
Apectodinium homomorphum, (Deflandre and Cookson, 1955, p.254, pl.5, fig.7; text-fig.19, not text-figs.17–18 as indicated by Deflandre and Cookson, 1955, p.254) Lentin and Williams, 1977b, p.8.
Emendation: Harland, 1979c, p.64, as Apectodinium homomorphum.
Holotype: Deflandre and Cookson, 1955, pl.5, fig.7; text-fig.19; Eisenack and Klement, 1964, p.829; Fensome et al., 1995, figs.1–2 — p.1553.
Originally Wetzeliella, subsequently Wetzeliella subgenus Apectodinium, thirdly (and now) Apectodinium.
Taxonomic junior synonyms: Hystrichosphaeridium (as Apectodinium) caiobense and Apectodinium folliculum, both according to Williams et al. (1993, p.57).
Costa and Downie (1976, p.608) designated this species as the type of Wetzeliella subgenus Apectodinium. See Apectodinium pastielsii.
Age: Early Eocene.
Locus typicus: Victoria, Australia
Original description as Wetzeliella homomorpha: [Deflandre and Cookson, 1955, p. 254]:
Theca compressed, outline polygonal or more or less rounded, furnished with short, simple or bifurcate processes sometimes associated in small groups, generally more numerous at the edge of the theca. Membrane with a smooth surface.
Diameter of shell (not counting appendages) 44-60 µm, processes 5-15 µm long.
G.L. Williams short notes on species, Mesozoic-Cenozoic dinocyst course, Urbino, Italy, May 17-22, 1999 - LPP VIEWER CD-ROM 99.5.
Apectodinium homomorphum (Deflandre and Cookson, 1955) Lentin and Williams, 1977b, emend. Harland, 1979c. According to Harland (1979c, p. 64), this species has an ovoidal to rounded-pentagonal cyst with closely adpressed wall layers, except at the apex where a small pericoel may be developed. Processes variable in length, sutural and intratabular, hollow, cylindrical to tapering with evexate or bifid tips, sometimes branched and aculeate. Tabulation indiscernible. Cingulum usually planar but may be laevorotatory, displaced up to one half of its width. Sulcus appears as a shallow depression widening antapically. Archeopyle type [I/I], ?reduced.
Size: Pericyst 44-60 µm, processes 5-15 µm.
Apectodinium homomorphum, (Deflandre and Cookson, 1955, p.254, pl.5, fig.7; text-fig.19, not text-figs.17–18 as indicated by Deflandre and Cookson, 1955, p.254) Lentin and Williams, 1977b, p.8.
Emendation: Harland, 1979c, p.64, as Apectodinium homomorphum.
Holotype: Deflandre and Cookson, 1955, pl.5, fig.7; text-fig.19; Eisenack and Klement, 1964, p.829; Fensome et al., 1995, figs.1–2 — p.1553.
Originally Wetzeliella, subsequently Wetzeliella subgenus Apectodinium, thirdly (and now) Apectodinium.
Taxonomic junior synonyms: Hystrichosphaeridium (as Apectodinium) caiobense and Apectodinium folliculum, both according to Williams et al. (1993, p.57).
Costa and Downie (1976, p.608) designated this species as the type of Wetzeliella subgenus Apectodinium. See Apectodinium pastielsii.
Age: Early Eocene.
Locus typicus: Victoria, Australia
Original description as Wetzeliella homomorpha: [Deflandre and Cookson, 1955, p. 254]:
Theca compressed, outline polygonal or more or less rounded, furnished with short, simple or bifurcate processes sometimes associated in small groups, generally more numerous at the edge of the theca. Membrane with a smooth surface.
Diameter of shell (not counting appendages) 44-60 µm, processes 5-15 µm long.
G.L. Williams short notes on species, Mesozoic-Cenozoic dinocyst course, Urbino, Italy, May 17-22, 1999 - LPP VIEWER CD-ROM 99.5.
Apectodinium homomorphum (Deflandre and Cookson, 1955) Lentin and Williams, 1977b, emend. Harland, 1979c. According to Harland (1979c, p. 64), this species has an ovoidal to rounded-pentagonal cyst with closely adpressed wall layers, except at the apex where a small pericoel may be developed. Processes variable in length, sutural and intratabular, hollow, cylindrical to tapering with evexate or bifid tips, sometimes branched and aculeate. Tabulation indiscernible. Cingulum usually planar but may be laevorotatory, displaced up to one half of its width. Sulcus appears as a shallow depression widening antapically. Archeopyle type [I/I], ?reduced.
Size: Pericyst 44-60 µm, processes 5-15 µm.