Valensiella punctata

From Fensome et al., 2019:
Valensiella punctata Jain, 1977b, p.180, pl.4, fig.44.
Holotype: Jain, 1977b, pl.4, fig.44.
Age: early Albian.


Original description: [Jain, 1977b, p. 180]:

Valensiella punctata sp.nov.

Holotype -- PI, 4, fig. 44; Slide no. 5059-1

Locality – Kallakkudi Limestone Quarry II. Dalmiapuram, South India.

Horizon – Grey Shale Member, Dalmia-puram Formation; Lower Albian.

Diagnosis – Cyst ellipsoidal, covered with thick crest system forming irregular poly-gons on shell surface, crests distally appear like branching processes. Central body with crests surrounded by a thin,punctate membrane. Archaeopyle apical, seen in some specimens.

Measurements Holotype Range
Cyst size 74 x 54 µm 65-90 x 50-70 µm
Crest height 10 µm 10-20 µm

Comparison -- V.punctata sp. nov. Compares best with V. ovulum (Deflandre) Eisenack (1963) in general morphological features but differs in its punctate outer membrane. Formation of irregular polygons differentiates them from Membranilarnacia Eisenack,1963.
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