Batioladinium pomum

Batioladinium pomum, Davey, 1982

Originally Batioladinium, subsequently Imbatodinium.
Tax. jr. synonym of Batioladinium? gochtii (Alberti, 1961) Lentin and Williams, 1977, according to Below, 1990.
Lentin and Williams, 1985, did not accept the transfer of this species to Imbatodinium Vozzhennikova, 1967, by Mehrotra and Sarjeant, 1984

Holotype: Davey, 1982, pl. 5, fig. 3
Locus typicus: Haldager No.1 Borehole, Denmark
Stratum typicum: Ryazanian-Early Valanginian

Original description: [Davey, 1982, p. 21]:

Shape: Basically elongate - ovoidal with some dorso-ventral flattening; broadest in the paracingular region. Apical horn moderately long, slender, gradually tapering and arising relatively abruptly from the main part of the cyst. Typically two low, rounded antapical horns.
Wall: Apparently autophragm only.
Paratabulation: Paracingulum sometimes indicated by alignment of granules. Other paratabulation absent.
Ornament: Increases in coarseness from apical to antapical region. Pitting and low granules are typical of the apical region; the granulation becomes more pronounced towards the paracingulum and particularly on the hypocyst. Irregular spinules and small tubercles may be present here.
Archaeopyle: Apical with deep parasulcal notch; operculum usually remains attached.

The length of the apical horn is typically 1/4 to 1/3 Of the overall cyst length.
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