Cribroperidinium sp. a of davey 1982b

Cribroperidinium sp.A Davey 1982

Reference: Davey, 1982, pl.10, fig.5-6
Occurrence: Eastern England
Age: Early Portlandian, Jurassic

Original description: Davey, 1982, p. 27
This is large ovoidal species of Cribroperidinium composed of a thick, densely intraperforate wall and possessing a long apical horn. The latter is hollow for approximately half its length. The paratabulation is moderately well defined by low ridges which bear small to large spines. The latter are particulary well developed at the base of the apical horn, along the paracingular margins and around the antapical paraplate where the are sometimes complexly linked. A large precingular Type P (3"" only) archaeopyle is usually developed.
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