Ctenidodinium elegantulum

From Fensome et al., 2019:
Ctenidodinium elegantulum Millioud, 1969, p.427, pl.2, figs.1–3. Emendation: Below, 1981a, p.42. Holotype: Millioud, 1969,
pl.2, figs.1–2. Age: late Hauterivian–Barremian.


Original diagnosis: Millioud 1969, p. 427
A species of Ctenidodinium characterized by very low crests bearing long sutural processes. Epitract hemisphaerical, smaller than the hypotract; the latter subpolygonal in outline. Cingulum strongly helicoidal; suture on anterior margin of cingulum practically smooth, posterior margin bearing long processes. Sutural processes thin, pointed, slightly knobbed or bifurcate distally. Wall finely scabrate. Epitractal archaeopyle. Dimensions: Overall length: 68-84 µm; breadths: 59-78 µm; shell lengths: 52-64 µm; breadths: 44-58 µm; length of sutural processes 9-12 µm.

Emended diagnosis: Below, 1981, p.42
Acavate, proximochorate, tabulated cyst. Outline polygonal. Epicyst almost trigonal to rounded, pentagonal and slightly smaller than the trapezoidal hypocyst. Paracingulum levorotatory. Only the posterior margin of the paracingulum shows fringing ridges. Rarely subdivided by weak parasutures. Parasulcus broad and not or incompletely confined in relation to paraplates 1', 4', 1'', 6'', 1pc, 6''' and 1''''. Not subdivided. Low parasutural ridges carrying thin spines allow the reconstruction of the paratbulation scheme: 4', 1a, 6'', as, 0-6c, 6''', 1pc, 1''''. Archaeopyle epicystal, Type AIP and ?AIP.

G.L. Williams short notes on species, Mesozoic-Cenozoic dinocyst course, Urbino, Italy, May 17-22, 1999 - LPP VIEWER CD-ROM 99.5.

Ctenidodinium elegantulum Millioud, 1969, emend. Below, 1981a. According to Below (1981a), this is an acavate, proximochorate, tabular cyst. Outline polygonal. Epicyst nearly trigonal to rounded, pentagonal and somewhat smaller than the trapezoid hypocyst. Paracingulum laevorotatory. Rarely it is divided by weak parasutures. Parasulcus broad and not, or only incompletely delimited against paraplates 1', 4'. 1", 6", 1pc, 6"’ and 1"”. Low parasutural ridges bearing thin spines indicating a paratabulation of : 4', 1a, 6", as, 0-6c, 6"’, 1"”. Archeopyle epicystal. The parasutures consist of low ridges surmounted by long, simple, continuously tapering, solid spines. The distal end may be bifurcate with minute recurved hooks. Suture on anterior margin more or less smooth. Suture on posterior margin bearing long spines. Wall finely scabrate. Size: overall length 68-84 µm, width 59-78 µm, central body length 52-64 µm, width 44-58 µm, length of sutural processes 9-12 µm.
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