Batioladinium jaegeri

Batioladinium jaegeri, (Alberti, 1961), Brideaux, 1975

Originally Broomea, subsequently (and now) Batioladinium, thirdly Necrobroomea, fourthly Imbatodinium.
Tax. sr. synonym of Pseudoceratium gochtii (now Pseudoceratium hansgochtii) Pocock, 1962, according to C. Singh, 1971. Below, 1990, when he emended the diagnosis of this species, retained it in Necrobroomea Wiggins, 1975. Lentinand Williams, 1993, retained the species in Batioladinium. Below, 1990, stated that Batioladinium (as Necrobroomea) micropodum (Eisenack and Cookson, 1960) Brideaux, 1975 is a tax. sr. synonym of Batioladinium jaegeri, according to Davey, 1974. This is incorrect, since Davey, 1974, does not include the holotype of Batioladinium jaegeri in his synonymy listing for Batioladinium (as 'Broomea") micropodum.
Below, 1990, suggested that Batioladinium? (as Necrobroomea) gochtii (Alberti, 1961) Lentin and Williams, 1977, may be only a more distinctly granulate variant of this species.

Holotype: Alberti, 1961, pl.5, fig.2
Locus typicus: Haverlahwiese, Salzgitter, central Germany
Stratum typicum: Early Albian

Original description as Broomea jaegeri: [Alberti, 1961, p. 26]: (Translation: LPP):

Shell flattened, partly flat, its outline elongate, the sides convex, largest width mostly slightly below the equator. With a more or less offset, long apical process, which narrows towards the free end. Antapical horns short, pointed at the tips, slightly unequally long. Shell surface lightly granulate or smooth.

holotype: length 149 µm, width 37 µm, length of antapical horns around 7 µm. In other specimens the length varies between 91 and 158 µm, the width between 26 and 40 µm. More than 25 specimens studied.

Harding, 1990, p. 46:

This species has a variable morphology. The overall shape and the size of the horns vary between two extremes:
1. Short, dumpy specimens ( 60 µm long) with prolate ovoidal ambitus and vestigial horns, prominent microgranular sculpture.
2. Longer specimens (up to 85 µm long), with a more rectangular ambitus and prominent apical horn, subdued microgranular sculpture.
The latter form is by far the most common. All forms exhibit a differentiated autophragm consisting of a solid, imperforate base layer. On top of this base is a layer consisting of a multitude of sporopollenin globules partially fused together. The outer surface thus appears to be microgranular (Plate 28, Fig. 11). The variability in the structure of the cyst wall would appear to unite those species illustrated by Alberti (1961) from the German Barremian as Broomea jaegeri and B. pellifera (both now Batioladinium). The former species was only recorded from
one locality and the latter was based on 5 specimens. The morphologies of these two types, on the basis of the material studied herein, may form the two end members of a species plexus. These types bear a strong resemblance to the Australian species. B. micropodum (Eisenack and Cookson) Brideaux, which has a coarsely and closely granular sculpture.
Some specimens show traces of paratabulation other than the archaeopyle suture, but these are infrequent and difficult to interpret.

G.L. Williams short notes on species, Mesozoic-Cenozoic dinocyst course, Urbino, Italy, May 17-22, 1999 - LPP VIEWER CD-ROM 99.5.

Batioladinium jaegeri (Alberti, 1961) Brideaux, 1975, emend. Below, 1990, has a long apical horn and two short, commonly unequal antapical horns. Below (1990, p.54), in an emendation, gave the tabulation as 3', 2a, 6", 7c, 6"’, 2"”, as, FM, ls, ps. Archeopyle apical 2' + 3' , operculum foederate, secate. According to Below, when the two antapical horns are unequal in length, the right is the longer.
Size: length 91-158 µm, width 26-40 µm.
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