Wetzeliella longispinosa

From Fensome et al., 2019:
Wetzeliella longispinosa (Wilson, 1968) Lentin and Williams, 1976
Now Apectodinium. Originally Deflandrea, subsequently Wetzeliella, thirdly (and now) Apectodinium.
Holotype: Wilson, 1968, fig.4

Locus typicus: Waihao River (South Branch), South Canterbury, New Zealand
Stratum typicum: Early Eocene


Original description Wilson, 1968, p.59: Deflandrea longispinosa
Periphragm bilaterally symmetrical in outline, adorned with long processes (l up to 15µ), which may be simple, bifurcate, or capitate. Processes sometimes joined at their bases into rows. Periphragm margin varies from straight to sharply convex, always spiny. Capsule usually present, thin-walled, may be more or less circular in outline or may follow outline of periphragm. Archeopyle intercalary, four- sided, of variable size. Laevo- rotatory cingulum defined by double row of processes. Apical horn and two antapical horns all of equal size; pointed.
Dimensions: Holotype l = 121 µm, b = 83 µm, apical horn 19 µm, left antapical horn 19 µm, right antapical horn 19 µm. Range l = 91(105)121 µm, b = 74(84)91 µm, ap. h. 14(16)19 µm, l. ant. h. 14(16)19 µm, r. ant. h. 14(16)19 µm.

Discussion: Wilson,1968, p.59: Deflandrea longispinosa
The species differs from other known spinose species of Deflandrea in having longer processses combined with isometric antapical horns. The processes of the Antarctic species D. macmurdoensis Wilson, 1967 are occasionally as well developed as those of D. longispinosa. The two species are readily distinguished by substantial differences in the antapical horns and archeopyle.
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