Vozzhennikovia spinulosa

From Fensome et al., 2019:
Vozzhennikovia spinulosa Wilson, 1984
Holotype: Wilson, 1984, fig.4
Locus typicus: Leamington Stream, North Canterbury, New Zealand
Stratum typicum: Maastrichtian


Original description: Wilson, 1984, p.549, 552
Cysts generally circumcavate, occasionally cornucavate, pear-shaped, with thin periphragm and endophragm. Periphragm surface uniformly ornamented with many closely spaced small spines of up to 2 µm. Fairly short rounded or blunt apical horn c. 15 µm and small pointed antapical horn c. 8 µm, invariably present; antapical horn located near polar axis, no evidence of a second antapical horn. Archeopyle (Type I) relatively narrow; operculum generally free, occasionally attached at base. No indication of paracingulum, parasulcus or paratabulation.
Dimensions: Holotype: overall length 92 µm breadth 73 µm, length of endocyst 65 µm, breadth 62 µm. Range (20 specimens): overall length 57(76)92 µm, breadth 51(64)81 µm.

Wilson, 1984, p.552: Vozzhennikovia spinulosa has smaller, more closely spaced spines than other species of Vozzhennikovia. Its rounded pear-shaped outline and type of cavation are other distinctive features. The species is a useful index fossil for the Haumurian Stage, although it is apparently absent from the uppermost Haumurian.
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