Tenua hystricella

From Fensome et al., 2019:
Tenua hystricella Eisenack, 1958a, p.411, pl.23, figs.5–7.
Holotype: Eisenack, 1958a, pl.23, fig.5; Sarjeant, 1985a, pl.10, fig.6.
Taxonomic senior synonym: Tenua hystrix, according to Eisenack and Kjellström (1972, p.1039).
Taxonomic senior synonym: Circulodinium distinctum, according to Fensome et al., (2019a, p.37). NIA.
Age: Aptian.


Original description: Eisenack, 1958, p.411: Tenua hystricella
Tenua hystricella n.sp. (Taf. 23, Fig. 5-7)
Type : da sauf Taf. 23 Fig 5 and Präp . Ob. Apt Nr. 22

Diagnose: Similar to the previous species, but noticeably smaller: 56-75 µm long and 48-66 µm wide.
10 specimens, 75 types, 66 µm
Additions: Since the outside cover is smaller, the original shape is better obtained. The forked branches of the spines occasionally tend to fuse and then form short worm-like lines on the surface. Supports, which are to be interpreted as pylomas, are found in exactly the same way as in the previous species.
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