Tenua capillata

Tenua capillata Davey, 1975

NOW Pilosidinium. Originally Tenua Eisenack, subsequently Sentusidinium, thirdly (and now) Pilosidinium.

Holotype: Davey, 1975, pl.2, fig.7
Locus typicus: Ghana
Stratum typicum: Senonian (?Cenomanian)

Original diagnosis: Davey, 1975, p.155
The cyst is subspherical in outline and is covered by numerous hair-like intratabular spines. m e cyst wall is of moderate thickness and is smooth. m e spines are solid, relatively flexuous and taper distally; their distal termination is pointed or slightly truncated. The angular apical archaeopyle is rarely obvious since the operculum usually remains attached. When the operculum is detached sutural breakages occur between the precingular plates.

Dimensions: Holotype - Paratype - Range

Diameter of central body: 63x61 µm - 54x47 µm - 46(57)63 µm
Length of spines: 2-4 µm - 5-9 µm - 2-9 µm

Original description: Davey, 1975, p.156
A slight thickening of the cyst wall at the base of each spine gives the cyst surface a tuberculated appearance. Spine alignment and apical/antapical structures are absent.

Davey, 1975, p.156: The Lower Cretaceous (Eisenack 1958) and the Jurassic (Sarjeant 1968) species of this genus differ from T. capillata by the possession of stouter, more complex spines.
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