Carnarvonodinium morganii
From Fensome et al., 2019:
Carnarvonodinium morganii Parker, 1988, p.168,170, figs.3A–F. Holotype: Parker, 1988, fig.3A; Fensome et al., 1996, fig.1 —
p.2233. Age: Tithonian.
Original description: [Parker, 1988, p. 168, 170]:
Cysts elongate ellipsoidal, usually with slight equatorial bulge, and tapered apical horn.
Cyst wall an autophragm ( < 1 µm thick) bearing solid or hollow, acuminate or truncate processes, some apparently in weakly defined longitudinal rows, others irregularly distributed. A cluster of 6-10, normally 8, more robust (2-3 µm thick), longer (up to 7 µm) and consistently truncate, open, hollow processes borne at antapex. Apical horn usually surmounted by 3 or 4 truncate or acuminate, hollow, open processes which are slightly smaller than those at the antapex (Fig.3B).
Archeopyle apical type [tA], with serrate margin indicating 6 precingular paraplates (Fig.3D). Operculum commonly detached.
Paratabulation indicated by archeopyle suture and possibly by longitudinal (parasutural?) rows of processes. Anterior and posterior boundaries of paracingulum occasionally indicated by weak transverse alignment of processes.
Cyst length (excluding sculpture), operculum attached, 67 (93) 120 µm (26 specimens); cyst length, operculum detached 45 (71) 88 µm (95 specimens); cyst width 22 (33) 44 µm (121 specimens); antapical processes up to 7 µm long.
This species differs from Carnarvonodinium striatigranulatum in having acuminate or truncate processes rather than grana on the autocyst. C. morganii resembles some species of Prolixosphaeridium but differs in having an apical horn and differentiated sculpture. Bourkidinium granulatum Morgan,1975 has large apically restricted processes. Chen (1978) first recorded the species as "Dinoflagellate Form B" from the Kimmeridgian to Portlandian of Madagascar.
Carnarvonodinium morganii Parker, 1988, p.168,170, figs.3A–F. Holotype: Parker, 1988, fig.3A; Fensome et al., 1996, fig.1 —
p.2233. Age: Tithonian.
Original description: [Parker, 1988, p. 168, 170]:
Cysts elongate ellipsoidal, usually with slight equatorial bulge, and tapered apical horn.
Cyst wall an autophragm ( < 1 µm thick) bearing solid or hollow, acuminate or truncate processes, some apparently in weakly defined longitudinal rows, others irregularly distributed. A cluster of 6-10, normally 8, more robust (2-3 µm thick), longer (up to 7 µm) and consistently truncate, open, hollow processes borne at antapex. Apical horn usually surmounted by 3 or 4 truncate or acuminate, hollow, open processes which are slightly smaller than those at the antapex (Fig.3B).
Archeopyle apical type [tA], with serrate margin indicating 6 precingular paraplates (Fig.3D). Operculum commonly detached.
Paratabulation indicated by archeopyle suture and possibly by longitudinal (parasutural?) rows of processes. Anterior and posterior boundaries of paracingulum occasionally indicated by weak transverse alignment of processes.
Cyst length (excluding sculpture), operculum attached, 67 (93) 120 µm (26 specimens); cyst length, operculum detached 45 (71) 88 µm (95 specimens); cyst width 22 (33) 44 µm (121 specimens); antapical processes up to 7 µm long.
This species differs from Carnarvonodinium striatigranulatum in having acuminate or truncate processes rather than grana on the autocyst. C. morganii resembles some species of Prolixosphaeridium but differs in having an apical horn and differentiated sculpture. Bourkidinium granulatum Morgan,1975 has large apically restricted processes. Chen (1978) first recorded the species as "Dinoflagellate Form B" from the Kimmeridgian to Portlandian of Madagascar.