Parvocysta contracta

Parvocysta contracta Bjµrke, 1980

Tax. jr. synonym of Susadinium (as Dodekovia) scrofoides D÷rh÷fer and Davies, 1980, according to Below, 1987.

Holotype: Bjµrke, 1980, pl.1, figs.7,8
Locus typicus: Knorringfjellet, Spitsbergen
Stratum typicum: Toarcian

Original diagnosis: Bjµrke, 1980, p. 64-65
Dinoflagellate cysts of the genus Parvocysta, elongate with a deep equatorial constriction producing an hour-glass shaped outline, narrowing towards apex sometimes forming a short apical protrusion, antapex broadly rounded to flat. Cyst
densely covered by short, blunt processes less than 1 µm high producing a scabrate surface. Paracingulum marked by the deep equatorial constriction.
Size: 25-36 µm long, 22-31 µm wide.

Original description: Bjµrke, 1980, p. 65
Small dinoflagellate cysts showing an elongated outline. Apex slightly pointed, antapex broadly rounded to flat. A characteristic deep equatorial constriction results in an hour-glass shape.
Cyst wall: single layered, ornamented with short, blunt processes less than 1 µm high producing a scabrate surface.
Paratabulation: except for archeopyle not indicated.
Archeopyle: intercalary, outline hexagonal with posterior and anterior angulations (geniculate) formed by one mid-dorsal intercalary paraplate. Archeopyle difficult to distinguish in most specimens.
Paracingulum: indicated by the deep equatorial constriction and apparently reduced ornamentation.
Parasulcus: vaguely indicated by linear organization of short processes.

Bjµrke, 1980, p. 65: P. contracta differs from P. bullula by the characteristic equatorial constriction and more elongated outline. Intergradation between the two
species may be expected.
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