Systematophora austinii

Systematophora? austinii (Merrill, 1895) Sarjeant, 1964

Originally Geodia? (a genus based on a sponge spicule), subsequently Systematophora?. At the time of the transfer, Sarjeant, 1964 questionably included this species in Systematophora. Stover and Evitt, 1978 considered this to be a "problematical species" of Systematophora.
Taxonomic senior synonym: Xanthidium (as Hystrichosphaera, now Spiniferites) ramosum, according to Sarjeant (1966a, p.5).

Holotype: Merrill, 1895, text-fig.11
Age: Early Cretaceous

Original description (Mirrill, 1895):
Geodinia ? Austini n.sp.. Imperfect. Breakage caused perhaps by mechanical movement or abrasion. Body spherical and smooth between the spines. Spines short, divided into minute barbs. Some of them have a double system of bifurcation. Size: 0.069 mm from tip to tip ; length of spine, 0.0153 mm. Not found figured. I propose the name Geodinia? Austini.
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