Sverdrupiella spinosa

Sverdrupiella spinosa Bujak and Fisher, 1976

Holotype:Bujak and Fisher 1976, pl.6, fig.9-10; text-fig.2C
Locus typicus: Skybattle Bay C-15. cuttings 81108170"; Queen Elizabeth Islands, arctic Canada
Stratum typicum: ?Carnian-Norian

Original diagnosis: Bujak and Fisher, 1976, p.51
Cavate to bicavate cysts typically laterally compressed and relatively elongate. Capsule indistinct, ovoidal or spherical. Periphragm densely spinose, spines bifid, bifurcate, acuminate, or evexate. Epitract acutely conical, hypotract asymmetrical with concave dorsal margin and irregularly convex ventral margin formed by flared sulcal crest; second sulcal crest significantly less pronounced. Cingulum circular or laevo-rotary and delimited by two crests bearing morphologically similar spines to those on remainder of periphragm. Archeopyle formed in periphragm by loss or displacement of up to three anterior intercalary plates. Mode of archeopyle formation in capsule unknown.
Dimensions: Holotype, periphragm length 108 µm, periphragm thickness 58 µm, capsule length 56 µm, capsule thickness 45 µm. Observed range, periphragm length 84-108 µm, periphragm thickness 47-66 µm, capsule length 50-64 µm, capsule thickness 43-56 µm.
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