Susadinium scrofoides ssp. penicillus

Susadinium scrofoides ssp. penicillus (Below, 1987) Lentin and Williams, 1989

Originally Dodekovia scrofoides var. penicillus, subsequently (and now) Susadinium scrofoides ssp. penicillus.

Holotype: Below, 1987, pl.17, figs.9-12; Fensome et al., 1993, p.1279, fig.5-7
Locus typicus: Wittelshofen, Franconia, Germany
Stratum typicum: Toarcian
Translation Below, 1987: Fensome et al., 1993

Original description: Below, 1987, p.121: Susadinium scrofoides ssp. penicillus
A variant of Dodekovia scrofoides vvith a glabrous, scabrate, granular surface and numerous very coarse granules and short bacula on the distal plateaus of the area protuberances. In equatorial section the cyst is circular.
Size: Holotype: length 35 µm, breadth 27 µm, thickness 20 µm.

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