Rhombodella kendelbachia

Rhombodella kendelbachia Morbey, 1975

Now Heibergella. Originally Rhombodella, subsequently Chytroeisphaeridia, thirdly (and now) Heibergella.
Questionable tax. jr. synonym of Suessia swabiana Morbey, 1975, according to Below, 1987.
Holotype: Morbey, 1975, pl.14, fig.1; pl.17, fig.1
Locus typicus: Kendelbachgraben, south of Wolfgangsee, Austria
Stratum typicum: Rhaetian

Original diagnosis: Morbey, 1975, p.38
Cyst proximate, rhomboidal, occasionally spheroidal, ovoidal, in shape. Wall thin, reticulate and punctate. Vaguely to distinctly ornamented with random, sparse or densely distributed processes, up to ca. 2 µm in length, sometimes distinctly denser at apices and laterally at equator. Processes with conical, tapered, cylindrical, and slender hair-like stems, and simple or bifurcate terminations. Cingulum defined by one or two transverse folds, occasionally by discernible sutural ridges (septa). Sulcus seldom distinguishable. Tabulation indeterminate if present. Archeopyle, when evident, apical. Apical orientation of specimens difficult unless excystment has taken place.
Dimensions: Apical length 48 (57) 69 µm 12 specimens measured). Cingulum diameter 37 (45) 50 µm. Apical length: Cingulum diameter 3:2--6:5. Cingulum ca. 8--15 µm in width.
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