Chytroeisphaeridia chytroeides

From Fensome et al., 2019:
Chytroeisphaeridia chytroeides (Sarjeant, 1962a, p.493–494, pl.70, figs.13,16) Downie and Sarjeant, 1965, p.103. Emendation: Davey, 1979d, p.211, as Chytroeisphaeridia chytroeides. Holotype: Sarjeant, 1962a, pl.70, fig.13. Originally Leiosphaeridia subgenus Chytroeisphaeridia (Appendix A), subsequently (and now) Chytroeisphaeridia. Age: Oxfordian.


Original description as Leiosphaeridia (Chytroeisphaeridia) chytroeides: [Sarjeant, 1962, p. 493-494]:

A species of Leiosphaeridia having a smooth or faintly granular shell of spherical to broadly ovoidal shape and variable thickness. A large pylome of polygonal outline, without a thickened rim, is characteristic.

Holotype: Diameter (maximum) 50 µm.
Range of dimensions: Maximum diameters 30-60 µm.

Emended description:

Davey, 1979, p. 211-212:

The cysts were originally spheroidal in shape and are composed of an apparently single-layered wall (autophragm) of moderate thickness (0.5-1 µm). The wall is smooth externally, unstructured and of constant thickness. Apical, antapical and lateral structures are absent.
A simple precingular archaeopyle is typically developed formed by the loss of one paraplate (presumably 3''); the operculum often occurs within the cyst. The apical side of the operculum, and the archaeopyle, may be irregularly torn or regularly notched.

C. chytroides, being originally approximately spherical, is always flattened and folded to some extent during preservation; since it has a moderately stout wall, this deformation typically takes the form of one or two arcuate folds. Very few specimens are preserved in dorso-ventral orientation which strongly suggests that there is no cyst flattening in this plane.
In fact the majority of cysts are preserved so that the archaeopyle occupies a marginal position, the cysts being either flattened laterally or, more rarely, apically-antapically. The operculum has a tapering hexagonal shape which is typical of the dorsal precingular paraplates and usually occurs within the cyst (p. 210); these points are well illustrated by Bjaerke 1977 (Plate 7, fig. 5).

Holotype diameter 50 µm, diameter of type material 30-6 µm. Maximum diameters in present topotype material 37(45)54 µm. 10 specimens measured.

The most similarly described species is Tapeinosphaeridium pericompsum loannides et. al. 1977 which is transferred to Chytroeisphaeridia. This mid-Kimmeridgian species is differentiated from C. chytroeides by having a thinner, and consequently, more folded wall.


G.L. Williams short notes on species, Mesozoic-Cenozoic dinocyst course, Urbino, Italy, May 17-22, 1999 - LPP VIEWER CD-ROM 99.5.

Chytroeisphaeridia chytroeides (Sarjeant, 1962a) Downie and Sarjeant, 1965, is spheroidal with a single layered wall 0.5-1 µm thick. The wall is smooth. There are no protuberences. Maximum diameters 30-60 µm.
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