Impagidinium modicum ssp. denticulatum

Impagidinium modicum ssp. denticulatum (Brideaux, 1977) Jan du Chêne et al., 1986

Originally Leptodinium modicum ssp. denticulatum, subsequently (and now) Impagidinium modicum ssp. denticulatum.
Holotype: Brideaux, 1977, pl.1, figs.10-11
Locus typicus: Richardson Mountains, District of Mackenzie, Canada
Stratum typicum: Barremian

Original diagnosis: Brideaux, 1977, p.8: Leptodinium modicum ssp. denticulatum
Shape: Pericyst nearly equidimensional to slightly longer than broad, the outline subcircular, ovoid, occasionally somewhat pentagonal; apical and antapical horns lacking. Endocyst as above, the two layers closely appressed; no pericoel development; compression dorso-ventral, if any.
Phragma: Periphragm about 1 µm thick, smooth or scabrate, forming parasutural septa up to 5 µm high; the septa entire-margined but with discrete distal marginal spinules 0.5 to 1.5 µm high, or serrate and with or without spinules; occasional intratabular spinules present, up to 1 µm high. Endophragm about 1 µm thick and smooth.
Paratabulation: Periphragm forming parasutural crests denoting a paratabulation of 4", 6", 6c, 5""", ?1p, 1""""; folding of the phragma distorting the shape of the paraplates. Endophragm showing no evidence of paratabulation.
Archeopyle/operculum: Archeopyle formed by the loss of precingular paraplate 3". Operculum simple, free, somewhat horseshoe shaped, slightly longer than broad; the two layers closely appressed and separating as a unit. Formula P.
Pericingulum/perisulcus: Helicoid pericingulum about 5µ wide and displaced one to one and one-half pericingular widths; six cingular paraplates; perisulcal region in places obscured by folding of the phragma, perisulcus extending about halfway onto the epicyst and terminating posteriorly near the antapex, inclined to the left.
Dimensions - Pericyst length, 45-65 µm; pericyst width, 42-57 µm.

Brideaux, 1977, p. 8: Leptodinium modicum ssp. denticulatum
Leptodinium modicum ssp. denticulatum differs from Leptodinium modicum subsp. modicum in the possession of serrate or denticulate parasutural crests.
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