Impagidinium pacificum

Impagidinium pacificum Bujak, 1984

Tax. jr. synonym of Impagidinium japonicum Matsuoka, 1983, according to Bujak and Matsuoka, 1986.
Holotype:Bujak 1984, pl.2, fig.3-4; Jan du Chêne et al., 1986, pl.60, figs.9-11
Locus typicus: Aleutian Trench, northern North Pacific.
Stratum typicum: Early-Late Pliocene

Original diagnosis: Bujak, 1984, p. 187
Central body small and ovoidal with chagrinate to granulate surface. Tabulation of 4", 6", 6c, 6""", 1p, 1"""", as clearly defined by sutural crests except on sulcus and between plates 1" and 4". Sutural crest height about one-quarter of the central body diameter. Archeopyle precingular, formed by loss of plate 3".
Dimensions: Central body length 30 to 38 µm, breadth 28 to 33 µm; total length 45 to 55 µm, breadth 43 to 48 µm; maximum crest height 8 to 10 µm; 10 specimens

Original description: Bujak, 1984, p. 187
The central body is slightly longer than broad with a wall that is about 1 Ám thick. A small apical horn may be present. The sutural crests have a height of about one-quarter of the central body diameter and are rigid, relatively thick and distally smooth. They are present on all the plate boundaries except those of the sulcus and 1"/4". The shape of plate 6"" is subtriangular and thus typical of Impagidinium, but it is clearly distinguished from the anterior sulcal plate, unlike several other Impagidinium species. Plates 1" and 4" are not separated by a sutural crest. The sulcus is deep and curves to the right in the direction of the apex along its border with plate 6".
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