Clathroctenocystis elegans

From Fensome et al., 2019:
Clathroctenocystis elegans Wiggins, 1972, p.303–304, pl.2, figs.A–C; pl.3, figs.A–D; text-fig.3. Holotype: Wiggins, 1972, pl.2, figs.A–C. Age: Neocomian, ?Valanginian or early Hauterivian.


Original description: [Wiggins, 1972, p. 303, 305]:

Same as for the genus with the following additional remarks.
The tabulation is indicated or suggested by fin-like, septal membranes which are granulose on the lateral surfaces, and sub-linear to dentate at the external margins, and this dentate serration appears to be more pronounced in the cingulum region. These septal membranes commonly obscure the precise tabulation configuration and plate junctures; they are commonly incomplete in the cingulum region, hence the configuration must be interpreted by projection of the membrane remnants that usually are present at the plate junctures. All plate surfaces, except for the 1" and 1"""" plates, are rather uniformly granulose and unthickened. A thickening in the form of granulose, apically oriented ridges or folds, completely encloses the 1" plate which contains a slightly constricted apical peak. The 1"""" plate is thickened also, with a granulose membrane that covers the entire plate surface.
The operculum is commonly detached or at least partially detached, so the common measurement reference is from the apical margins of the precingular plates to the antapical pole for length of cyst.

Holotype: overall length 104 µm, overall width 40 µm; range: overall width 30-52 µm.
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