Scriniodinium gochtii

Scriniodinium? gochtii Pocock, 1972, p.90

Now Rhynchodiniopsis. Originally Scriniodinium, subsequently Scriniodinium?, thirdly Endoscrinium, fourthly (and now) Rhynchodiniopsis. Stover and Evitt, 1978 considered this to be a "provisionally accepted species" of Scriniodinium.
Holotype: Pocock, 1972, pl.22, fig.12; Jan du Chêne et al., 1986, pl.93, figs.4-8
Locus typicus: Royalite DeWinton, Westeren Canada
Stratum typicum: Late Bajothian

Original description: Pocock, 1972, p.90
Vesicle more or less isodiametric; epitheca and hypotheca hemispherical; no apical or antapical processes developed; transverse furrow well defined; helicoidal; longitudinal furrow more or less parallel-sided; tabulation 1", 6", 5""", 1""""; no archeopyle seen; suture reflected onto surface of vesicle as low ridges about 1.5 µm wide surmounted by narrow crests 5.0-7.0 µm high, supported by thickened rods spaced 2.0-5.0 µm apart; rods straight; joined at their tips; sometimes bifurcating (see diagram); vesicle two-layered; capsule thin-walled; smooth; tightly appressed to outer layer; outer layer about 1.0 µm thick; granulose; colour pale yellow; length of vesicle 90.0-93.0 µm; equatorial diameter 84.0-88.0 µm.
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