Odontochitina nuda

Odontochitina nuda (Gocht, 1957) D÷rh÷fer and Davies, 1980

Originally Pseudoceratium?, subsequently (and now) Odontochitina.
Holotype: Gocht, 1957, pl.18, fig.3
Locus typicus: Emsland, Germany
Stratum typicum: Late Hauterivian
Translation Gocht, 1957: LPP

Original diagnosis: Gocht, 1957, p. 168: Pseudoceratium nudum
Shell with three very narrow, thin and elongated horns. Shell smooth and without ornamentation.
Dimensions: Holotype: Length 216 µm, width ca. 50 µm. Apical horn ca. 75 µm. Antapical horns 57 µm and 25 µm. Range: Length 190-228 µm, width 45-70 µm.

Affinities: Gocht, 1957, p. 168: Pseudoceratium nudum
The species differs from P. pelliferum by being larger, by the elongated horns and the lack of ornamentation. The shell pale and nearly colourless. Apical and antapical horns on one axis.
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