Spiniferites tengelicensis

Spiniferites tengelicensis Sütő-Szentai, 1982a, p.208–209,217–218, pl.1, fig.7; text-fig.1.
Holotype: Sütő-Szentai, 1982a, pl.1, fig.7; text-fig.1.
Age: late Miocene.

supplementary description Soliman and Riding, 2017:

Supplementary description. Spiniferate dinoflagellate cysts with an ovoidal or pear-shaped outline. An apical boss is present which terminates in a distally acuminate or truncate process. The cyst wall is ~ 1.0–1.5 μm thick with a smooth or finely scabrate surface. The processes are gonal, variable in length, usually solid and with membranous trifurcate tips. The cingular processes are typically longer than the others. Processes are connected proximally by low sutural crests. The gonal processes in the sulcal and postcingular areas are connected by prominent sutural crests which are frequently distally smooth and are rarely perforate. The processes around the antapical plate are connected by a membrane or a flange (Plate II, 5). The distal ends of the processes and the membranous sutures are occasionally fenestrate. The laevorotatory cingulum is offset by approximately two cingulum widths. A standard S-type sexiform gonyaulacacean tabulation is indicated by faint sutural ridges. The archaeopyle is precingular, type P formed by the release of plate 3″, with a free operculum.
Dimensions. The central body length, including the apical boss, is 52 (59) 75 μm; the equatorial width is 37 (43) 51 μm; the process length around the cingulum is 9 (12) 15 μm; the apical processes are 5 (12) 13 μm long; the antapical processes are 7 (8) 20 μm in length; and the process surmounting the apical boss is 6 (8)18 μm. Twenty-six specimens were measured. The holotype is 73 μm long and 67 μm wide (Sütőné-Szentai, 1982a, p. 209, 218).
Comparison. Spiniferites tengelicensis differs from Spiniferites hennersdorfense sp. nov. in the absence of high sutural crests in the precingular and postcingular areas. It differs from Spiniferites bentorii (Rossignol, 1964) Wall and Dale, 1970 and Spiniferites oblongus in having a trumpet-shaped antapical flange and lacking a long apical horn. Spiniferites scabratus (Wall, 1967) Sarjeant, 1970 is also somewhat similar to Spiniferites tengelicensis, but lacks an apical boss. Spiniferites tengelicensis differs from Spiniferites membranaceus (Rossignol, 1964) Sarjeant, 1970 in the presence of an apical boss and robust processes, and the lack of intergonal processes and low membranous sutural crests. It differs from Spiniferites frigidus Harland and Reid in Harland et al., 1980 in the absence of the well-developed membranous parasutural crests.
Distribution. Spiniferites tengelicensis was recorded as Spiniferites membranaceus from the Pannonian of the Szólád Borehole, Hungary by Sütőné-Szentai (1982b, pl. 7, 4), and from the Lower Pannonian (Spiniferites bentorii dinoflagellate cyst Zone) of the Tengelic 2 Borehole, Hungary by Sütőné-Szentai (1982b).
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