Shublikodinium setigerum

Shublikodinium setigerum Wiggins, 1973

Tax. jr. synonym of Rhaetogonyaulax arctica (Wiggins, 1973) Stover and Evitt, 1978, according to Stover and Evitt, 1978.
Holotype: Wiggins, 1973, pl.4, fig.10-11
Locus typicus: North Slope of Alaska
Stratum typicum: Late Triassic

Original diagnosis: Wiggins, 1973, p.5-6
Same as for the genus with the following additional description. The cyst wall of this species is characteristically covered with column-like rods which have a tendency toward becoming slightly swollen distally. The ornamentation elements range up to 1.5 µm in length, and are rather sparsely scattered over the cyst wall surface. As in S. acanthocomum, some of the ornamentation tends to be aligned with the sutural tabulation pattern.
Dimensions: Holotype: over-all length 40 µm over-all width 36 µm; transverse furrow width approximately 4-8 µm.
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