Senegalinium granulostriatum
Senegalinium granulostriatum Jain and Millepied, 1973
NOW Cerodinium. Originally Senegalinium, subsequently Deflandrea, thirdly Ceratiopsis (combination illegitimate), fourthly (and now) Cerodinium.
Holotype: Jain and Millepied, 1973, pl.1, fig.7
Age: Maastrichtian
Original description: [Jain and Millepied, 1973, p. 24-25]:
Senegalinium granulostriatum sp. nov.
Pl. 1, Figs. 7-11; Pl. 2, Fig. 18; Pl. 3, Fig. 29
Holotype – Pl. 1, Fig. 7; S1. No. 8455-5.
Type locality – Bore Hole No. CM-1, Senegal, N.W. Africa.
Horizon – Maastrichtian.
Diagnosis – Ambitus pentagonal, non-tabulate, periphragm fairly thin, extending to form one well marked apical horn and two antapical horns, granulostriate, striations longitudinal. Endophragm darker in colour, surface microgranulate, densely varrucose along the pericoel areas. Transverse furrow well developed, circular; longitudinal furrow seen, broader near girdle but narrows towards antapex. Archeopyle intercalary, broad, below apical horn.
Holotype – Shell-length 104 μ, breadth 75·4 μ; Capsule-length 54·6 μ; breadth 75·4 μ; Apical horn-length 22·0 μ; breadth17·5 μ; Antapical horn-length 20·5 μ, breadth 13 μ.
Observed range – Shell-length 100-155 μ, breadth 60-80 μ; Capsule-length 50-85 μ, breadth 60-80 μ; Apical horn-length 15-31 μ, breadth 15-35 μ; Antapical horn-length 10-25 μ, breadth 10-18 μ.
Description – Epi- and hypotract equally divided by circular, transverse, 8 μ wide girdle. Epitract conical, with a pore at the apex of apical horn. Formation of verrucae on endophragm surface along pericoel areas seem to have been formed as a result of grana fusion.
Comparison – Senegalinium granulostriatum sp. nov. Differs from the two previously described new species in having distinct transverse furrow, granulo-striate periphragm and granulate endophragm.
NOW Cerodinium. Originally Senegalinium, subsequently Deflandrea, thirdly Ceratiopsis (combination illegitimate), fourthly (and now) Cerodinium.
Holotype: Jain and Millepied, 1973, pl.1, fig.7
Age: Maastrichtian
Original description: [Jain and Millepied, 1973, p. 24-25]:
Senegalinium granulostriatum sp. nov.
Pl. 1, Figs. 7-11; Pl. 2, Fig. 18; Pl. 3, Fig. 29
Holotype – Pl. 1, Fig. 7; S1. No. 8455-5.
Type locality – Bore Hole No. CM-1, Senegal, N.W. Africa.
Horizon – Maastrichtian.
Diagnosis – Ambitus pentagonal, non-tabulate, periphragm fairly thin, extending to form one well marked apical horn and two antapical horns, granulostriate, striations longitudinal. Endophragm darker in colour, surface microgranulate, densely varrucose along the pericoel areas. Transverse furrow well developed, circular; longitudinal furrow seen, broader near girdle but narrows towards antapex. Archeopyle intercalary, broad, below apical horn.
Holotype – Shell-length 104 μ, breadth 75·4 μ; Capsule-length 54·6 μ; breadth 75·4 μ; Apical horn-length 22·0 μ; breadth17·5 μ; Antapical horn-length 20·5 μ, breadth 13 μ.
Observed range – Shell-length 100-155 μ, breadth 60-80 μ; Capsule-length 50-85 μ, breadth 60-80 μ; Apical horn-length 15-31 μ, breadth 15-35 μ; Antapical horn-length 10-25 μ, breadth 10-18 μ.
Description – Epi- and hypotract equally divided by circular, transverse, 8 μ wide girdle. Epitract conical, with a pore at the apex of apical horn. Formation of verrucae on endophragm surface along pericoel areas seem to have been formed as a result of grana fusion.
Comparison – Senegalinium granulostriatum sp. nov. Differs from the two previously described new species in having distinct transverse furrow, granulo-striate periphragm and granulate endophragm.