Scriniodinium campanula

Scriniodinium campanula Gocht, 1959, p.61–62, pl.4, fig.6; pl.5, figs.1a–b.

Holotype: Gocht, 1959, pl.5, figs.1a–b; Jan du Chêne et al., 1986a, pl.110, figs.1–5; Fensome et al., 1991, figs.1–3 — p.593; figs.1–5 — p.597. Originally (and now) Scriniodinium, subsequently Endoscrinium, thirdly Scriniodinium?. Questionable assignment: Stover and Evitt (1978, p.187); however, Riding and Fensome (2003, p.13–14) retained this species without question in Scriniodinium. Taxonomic junior synonym: Gonyaulacysta fragosa, according to Harker and Sarjeant (1975, p.224) and Brideaux and McIntyre (1975, p.33). N.I.A. Age: Hauterivian.

Original description: Gocht, 1959, p. 61
Outer shell flattened, tabulated, with an almost straight girdle and a distinct longitudinal furrow. Epitheca helmet-shaped. Apical horn short, blunt and slightly sagged, resulting in a bell-shaped form on both sides of the shell. Hypotheca slightly longer, rounded or slightly blunt at the pole. Inner body ovoidal and laterally separated from the main body.
Dimensions: length: 85-100 µm; width: 74-91 µm.
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