Scriniodinium subvallare

Scriniodinium subvellare Sarjeant, 1962

Now Endoscrinium. Originally Scriniodinium, subsequently (and now) Endoscrinium.
Possible tax. jr. synonym of Endoscrinium galeritum ssp. reticulatum (Klement, 1960) Lentin and Williams, 1973, according to Jan du ChĂȘne et al., 1986. However, Scriniodinium subvallare has priority at the species rank. Stover and Evitt, 1978 and Jan du ChĂȘne et al., 1986 retained this species in Scriniodinium; however, Lentin and Williams, 1981 and Lentin and Williams, 1989 retained the species in Endoscrinium (Klement, 1960) Vozzhennikova, 1967.

Holotype: Sarjeant, 1962, pl.1, fig.10; text-fig.7
Locus typicus: Osmington Mills, Dorset, England
Stratum typicum: Late Oxfordian

Original diagnosis: Sarjeant, 1962, p.262
A species of Scriniodinium having a spherical central body enclosed in an ovoidal to polygonal cyst whose longer axis corresponds to its antero-posterior direction. The central body is coarsely granular; the cyst shows an irregulary polygonal ornament comparable with the "infra-reticulation" of spores. Tabulation well marked by high striated crests on sutures (the crests supporting the cyst): ?4", 6", 6""", 0p, 0"""". Longitudinal furrow with a brief, narrow epithecal portion, widening considerably on the hypotheka and extending to the antapex. Transverse furrow narrow, laevo-rotarory.

Original description (annotated): Sarjeant, 1962, p.262
Central body brownish, cyst yellowish - brown in colour; plate 3" is missing in the holotype, a pylome thus being formed. The apex is always rounded. Plate 6" of the pre-equatorial series is reduced and almost square in shape.
The two ends of the transverse furrow differ in antero-posterior position by the furrow"s width; the posterior end widens somewhat at its junction with the longitudinal furrow.
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