Scriniodinium trabeculosum

Gardodinium trabeculosum Gocht, 1959; Emendation: Harding, 1996, p.359,361,363, as Gardodinium trabeculosum.

NOW Gardodinium. Originally Scriniodinium, subsequently (and now) Gardodinium, thirdly Chlamydophorella.
Taxonomic junior synonyms: Gardodinium eisenackii, according to Davey (1974, p.51); Gardodinium albertii and Gardodinium pyriforme, both according to Harding (1996, p.350); Gardodinium elongatum, by implication in Brideaux and McIntyre (1975, p.33), who considered Gardodinium elongatum to be a taxonomic junior synonym of Gardodinium eisenackii.

Holotype: Gocht, 1959, pl.4, fig.5
Locus typicus: NW Germany
Stratum typicum: Hauterivian

Original diagnosis: Gocht 1959, p. 62
Central body tabulated, flattened, circular to elliptical, with broadly based apical horn, girdle faintly helicoidal, slightly deepened, plate margins simple and thin. Inner body roundish, below the apex with a conical protrusion, entering the apical horn. Cavity between shell and inner body supported by numerous processes. Membranes soft and transparent.
Dimensions: length: 64-73 µm; breadth: 63-68 µm.
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