Pseudoceratium gochtii*

Pseudoceratium gochtii Pocock, 1962

Name illegitimate — senior homonym: Pseudoceratium gochtii Neale and Sarjeant, 1962. Substitute name: Pseudoceratium hansgochtii.
Originally Pseudoceratium gochtii Pocock, 1962 (name illegitimate), subsequently Pseudoceratium hansgochtii.
Taxonomic senior synonym: Broomea (now Batioladinium) jaegeri, according to Singh (1971, p.320).

Holotype: Pocock, 1962, pl.14, figs.213-214; lost according to Jansonius, 1986
Locus typicus: Imperial Virginia Hills, W Canada
Stratum typicum: Late Albian-early Cenomanian

Original description: Pocock, 1962, p. 79
Theca more or less ellipsoidal; much longer than it is wide; equatorial girdle not
well developed and rarely visible; thecal wall thin, hyaline, laevigate and unplated; epitheca domed, terminated by a long solid horn very variable in length; epitheca terminated by two horns of more or less equal length; colour of theca pale yellow or colourless.
Size range: Length of Theca 60 (66) 75 µm. Breadth of Theca 24 (30) 40 µm. Length of epithecal horn 20 (45) 90 µm. Average length of hypothecal horns 9 (11) 13 µm.
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