Pseudoceratium pelliferum ssp. pelliferum

Pseudoceratium pelliferum ssp. pelliferum

Autonym. Now redundant.
Holotype: Gocht, 1957, pl.18, fig.1
Locus typicus: Well Ruehlertwist 3, Emsland, NW Germany
Stratum typicum: Valanginian-Hauterivian
Translation Gocht, 1957: LPP

Original description: Gocht 1957, p. 166-168
Diagnosis: Shell flattened, in outline asymmetrically triangular, longer than wide, with strong apical horn and two shorter antapical horns of unequal length. Set more or less densely with short, rounded-blunt, brush-like processes, which stand isolated or are interconnected proximally.
Dimensions: Holotype: Length 132 µm, width 59 µm, apical horn about 35 µm, large antapical horn about 25 µm, small antapical horn about 12 µm. Processes around 2 µm. Other specimens: Length 92-173 (132) µm, width 52-70 (57) µm.

Emended description: Dörhöfer and Davies, 1980, p.39
The species is here emended to account for the presence of two antrior intercalary plates, which are included in the operculum; archaeopyle (4A2I); ornament apteate, short and numerous penitabular and intratabular processes, the latter possibly following latent sutures between fused plates. The surface between the processes finely corrugated-reticulate. Horn positions correspond to one each in apical, left antapical, and right postcingular positions. A slight left postcingular bulge possibly indicates a fourth horn.
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