Polystephanosphaera calathus

Polystephanosphaera calathus Sarjeant, 1961; Emendation: Stancliffe and Sarjeant, 1990, p.205, as Polystephanephorus calathus.

Originally Polystephanosphaera, subsequently (and now) Polystephanephorus, thirdly Hystrichosphaerina.

Holotype: Sarjeant, 1961, pl.14, fig.7; text-fig.7; Stancliffe and Sarjeant, 1990, pl.2, figs.1-4; text-fig. 1
Locus typicus: Scarborough Castle cliff
Stratum typicum: Early Oxfordian

Original diagnosis: Sarjeant, 1961, p.104
A species of Polystephanosphaera in which the processes are solid and are arranged in circles and connected together by trabeculae in the form of a ring, each cluster of processes thus forming an open-walled and open-ended tube. It is estimated that on a complete specimen the le would be twelve to sixteen such tubes, each ring trabecula borne by five to ten processes.
Dimensions: Holotype: overall diameter 88 µm, shell diameter 45 µm, length of process clusters c. 22 µm. Paratype: overall diameter 90 µm, shell diameter 45 µm, length of process clusters c. 23 µm.
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