Polysphaeridium ornamentum

Polysphaeridium ornamentum Jain and Tandon, 1981
Now Operculodinium. Originally Polysphaeridium, subsequently (and now) Operculodinium.
Holotype: Jain and Tandon, 1981, pl.2, fig.35
Age: Middle Eocene

Original description (Jain and Tandon, 1981)
Holotype: Pl. II-35l BSIP Slide No. 6430; coordinates: 120.5x14.5
Diagnosis: Cyst ovoidal, periphragm thick, surface coarsely granulate to verrucate; processes numerous, more than 60, long, simple or sometimes branched, spongy at point of origin, distally open, recurved. Archaeopyle not clearly marked, probably apical. Measurements: Over all cyst size 140 - 170µm. Central body size 70-90x90-110µm. Length of processes up to 55 µm. Comparison. Polysphaeridium ornamentum compares best with P. giganteum Caro (1973) in having large size but differs in its prominent periphragm ornamentation and recurved distal end of the processes. Type locality: Jhadwa, S-W Kachchh. India. Horizon: Middle Eocene.

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