Polysphaeridium pumilum

Polysphaeridium? pumilum Davey and Williams, 1966

Now Dapsilidinium?. Originally Polysphaeridium, subsequently Polysphaeridium?, thirdly (and now) Dapsilidinium?. Stover and Evitt, 1978 considered this to be a "provisionally accepted species" of Polysphaeridium.
Holotype: Davey and Williams, 1966, pl.7, figs.3,4
Locus typicus: Fetcham Mill, Surrey, England
Stratum typicum: Cenomanian

Original diagnosis: Davey and Williams, 1966, p.93
Subspherical central body having numerous small open tubular processes. Processes terminating distally in a slightly recurved more or less entire margin. Length of processes less than half that of the maximum body diameter.
Dimensions: holotype: overall diameter 40 by 34µm, diameter of central body 25 by 19µm, length of processes 8-10µm. Number of processes c.44. Range: overall
diameter 30-40µm, diameter of central body 17-25µm, length of processes 7-10µm, with of processes 1-1.5µm, number of processes 38-44.

Original description: Davey and Williams, 1966, p. 94
The central body has a smooth surface. The processes are tubular with a thin wall. They widen slightly proximally, at the junction with the central body, and distally up to about 2µ. The distal termination of a process superficially strongly resembles that of Hystrichosphaeridium sheppeyi, but on closer examination the presence of spines has not been observed. The distal margin is probably entire or slightly denticulate. The number of processes present indicate that each precingular and postcingular area bears two processes. An archaeopyle has not been observed with certainty.

Davey and Williams, 1966, p. 94: This species is clearly differentiated from all other species by its size and the number and type of processes present.
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