Egmontodinium ovatum

Egmontodinium ovatum (Gitmez and Sarjeant, 1972) Riley, 1979

NOW Systematophora?. Originally Systematophora, subsequently (and now) Systematophora?, thirdly Egmontodinium. Courtinat (1989, p.173) retained this species in Systematophora without question.

Holotype: Gitmez and Sarjeant, 1972, pl.14, fig.2-3
Paratype: Gitmez and Sarjeant, 1972
Locus typicus: Stretham, Cambridgeshire, England
Stratum typicum: Baylei Zone, Early Kimmeridgian
Translation Courtinat, 1989: LPP

Original diagnosis: Gitmez and Sarjeant, 1972, p.237: Systematophora ovata
A species of Systematophora having an elongate, ovoidal cyst bearing short proccsscs (not more than one-fourth of the cyst breadth). The processes are located in groups: there are ten such groups, one occupying the apex, an opposite one the antapex, whilst eight groups are distributed between the apex and the antapex, four of them on the epitract, the other four on the hypotract. There is no connection between the groups of processes or between the processes in each group. The processes are simple, bifid distal or broad based, foliate and deeply forked at their distal end. The surface of the shell is finely granular. When an archaeoyle is developed, it is apical in position.
Dimensions: Holotype: shell length (apex lacking) 35 Ám, breadth 28 Ám, process length 6-8 Ám. Paratype: shell length 58 Ám , breadth 40 Ám, process length 8 Ám. Range: shell length 58-60 Ám, apex lacking 35-48 Ám, breadth 2 Ám , process length 8-11 Ám. Measured specimens were 6 in number.

Original description: Gitmez and Sarjeant, 1972, p.237: Systematophora ovata
The cyst wall is composed of two layers, the periphragm forming the processes. Both of the layers are thin and transparent. There is no connection between the processes at their proximal and distal ends; they arise separately from each other, positioned around the margins of ovoidal or polygonal fields whose shape is clearly shown by the broad bases of the processes.
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