Batioladinium micropodum

Batioladinium micropodum, (Eisenack and Cookson, 1960), Brideaux, 1975

Originally Broomea subsequently (and now) Batioladinium, thirdly Necrobroomea, fourthly Imbatodinium.
Tax. sr. synonym of Batioladinium? pelliferum (Alberti, 1961) Brideaux, 1975, according to Wiggins, 1975. Dörhöfer and Davies, 1980, retained Batioladinium? pelliferum as a separate species.
Below, 1990, stated that Batioladinium (as Necrobroomea) micropodum is a tax. sr. synonym of Batioladinium (as Necrobroomea) jaegeri (Alberti, 1961) Brideaux, 1975, according to Davey, 1974. This is incorrect, since Davey, 1974, does not include the holotype of Batioladinium jaegeri in his synonymy listing for Batioladinium (as Broomea ) micropoda.
Tax. sr. synonym of Imbatodinium fractum Mehrotra and Sarjeant, 1984, according to Below, 1990.
Below, 1990, gave the citation, 'Necrobroomea micropoda (Eisenack and Cookson, 1960) comb. nov. & emend.". Lentin and Williams, 1993, retained this species in Batioladinium.
Below, 1990, emended the diagnosis of Batioladinium (as Necrobroomea) micropodum.

Holotype: Eisenack and Cookson, 1960, pl.2, fig.9
Locus typicus: Santos's Oodnadatta Bore, S Australia
Stratum typicum: Albian

Original description as Broomea micropoda: [Eisenack and Cookson, 1960, p. 7-8]:

Shell broadly fusiform to almost cylindrical, tapering to a short bluntly-pointed apical horn and with two small, usually unequal, pointed antapical projections; no indications of tabulation, 'girdle' or a pylome have been observed. Shell-membrane rather thick, coarsely and closely granular.

Holotype: 100 µm long, 47 µm broad.
Range: 83-108 µm long, 28-51 µm broad.

In referring this species to the genus Broomea we are aware that the apparent combined absence of a pylome and 'girdle' may be considered as sufficient reason for separating it from this genus. However, a pylome, being a developmental feature, is not represented in every specimen of B. ramosa Cookson and Eisenack or B. simplex Cookson and Eisenack and the 'girdle' sometimes well developed in B. ramosa has not been seen as yet in B. simplex. The shape of the shell of B. micropoda is essentially similar to that of the two other species of Broomea, the only difference being the extreme reduction in the size of the horns.

Improved description:

Stover and Helby, 1987, p. 273-275:

Cysts proximate, elongate ellipsoidal, with a short apical horn and generally two short, rounded or pointed, antapical horns, which may be equal in length, or the right horn may be shorter than the left horn, or absent.
Cyst wall punctogranulate and variable in thickness from about 1.5 µm to slightly more than 2 µm.
Archeopyle apical, with principal suture much nearer the apex on the dorsal surface than on the ventral surface.
Midventrally, archeopyle margin delimiting parasulcal notch. Small, usually gabled paraplate (Fig. 11A, B) to the left and slightly anterior to the notch, with lateral limits indicated by accessory sutures, with anterior edge marking an inflection along the left ventral archeopyle margin. Corresponding inflection not present along the right ventral margin, where, however, a slight convexity may occur. Operculum free.
Indications of paracingulum or of paratabulation, other than the archeopyle, absent. Anterior extent of a parasulcus inferred solely by parasulcal notch.

G.L. Williams short notes on species, Mesozoic-Cenozoic dinocyst course, Urbino, Italy, May 17-22, 1999 - LPP VIEWER CD-ROM 99.5.

Batioladinium micropodum (Eisenack and Cookson, 1960) Brideaux, 1975, emend. Below, 1990, has a short apical horn and generally two, short, rounded or pointed, antapical horns, which may be equal in length or the right horn is reduced or absent. Wall punctogranulate. B.micropodum is differentiated from B.jaegeri primarily on the coarser ornamentation of the phragma.
Size: length 83-108 µm, width 28-51 µm.
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