Coronifera kirae

From Fensome et al., 2019:
Coronifera kirae Prössl, 1992a, p.264–265, pl.2, figs.1–2,5–7,11; text-figs.3a–b. Holotype: Prössl, 1992a, pl.2, figs.5–6. Age: middle Albian.


Original diagnosis: Prössl, 1992, p. 264-265
Spherical to subspherical cyst with numerous very thin, long, thread-like processes
which are acuminate to capitate simple or bifurcate and sometimes trifurcate. An antapical, broad, fimbriate process is present.

Original description: Prössl, 1992, p. 265
The cyst bears many very thin solid processes, most of which have a constant thickness of less than 1 Ám along their length. Because they are very delicate they are generally distorted. Sometimes, two or more processes are connected by very low folds or crests at their base. The antapical process normally expands at its distal and proximal part. It is hollow and possesses a fimbriate margin. Because of the dense ornamentation no parasutural or paracingular margins are indicated. The archaeopyle is not clearly visible but might reflect the variations which were described by Mao Shaozhi and Norris (1988) for the genus.
Dimensions: overall diameter: 75 (85) 102 Ám (holotype 83 Ám) diameter of the body: 46 (55) 59Ám (holotype 50 Ám) processes length: 22 (24) 28 Ám (holotype 23 Ám) diameter of the processes: < 1 Ám antapical process length: 23 (26) 29 Ám (holotype 29 Ám) denticulate margin of the antapical process: 4 (5) 8 Ám (holotype 8 Ám).

Prössl, 1992, p. 265 : Coronifera kirae differs from all other species of this genus by having numerous, very thin processes. The occasional connection between these processes at their base is poorly developed. Coronilera oceanica ssp. hehospina seems to be the most similar species but shows well developed crests and has more compact processes. No other species of Coronifera possesses an antapical process with a fimbriate margin.
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