Peridinium kansanum
Peridinium kansanum Tasch, 1964
Now Ovoidinium?. Originally Peridinium, subsequently Deflandrea?, thirdly (and now) Ovoidinium?, fourthly Ascodinium?.
Holotype: Tasch, 1964, pl.1, fig.1 (WU-DF 0168. Slide no. 1024. Coordinates: R 21.5, D. 12.5.)
Age: Albian
Original description:
Diagnosis: General polygonal configuration of theca; wide equatorial band separating broadly expanded hypotheca from more tapered epitheca; continuous uncurved posterior plate terminating et either end in two pointed projections (antapical horns). Plate system poorly defined.
Measurements: Length (excl. horns), 48 µm; width along girdle, 40 µm; width of girdle, 7 µm; distance between centers of antapical horns, 20 µm; length of horns, 12 µm.
Discussions: The triangular apical indentation correstonds to a missing apical plate (“apical archeopyle” of Evitt). The uncurved posterior plate bearing pointed projections or horns distinguishes the new species.
Now Ovoidinium?. Originally Peridinium, subsequently Deflandrea?, thirdly (and now) Ovoidinium?, fourthly Ascodinium?.
Holotype: Tasch, 1964, pl.1, fig.1 (WU-DF 0168. Slide no. 1024. Coordinates: R 21.5, D. 12.5.)
Age: Albian
Original description:
Diagnosis: General polygonal configuration of theca; wide equatorial band separating broadly expanded hypotheca from more tapered epitheca; continuous uncurved posterior plate terminating et either end in two pointed projections (antapical horns). Plate system poorly defined.
Measurements: Length (excl. horns), 48 µm; width along girdle, 40 µm; width of girdle, 7 µm; distance between centers of antapical horns, 20 µm; length of horns, 12 µm.
Discussions: The triangular apical indentation correstonds to a missing apical plate (“apical archeopyle” of Evitt). The uncurved posterior plate bearing pointed projections or horns distinguishes the new species.