Hystrichodinium voigtii

Hystrichodinium voigtii (Alberti, 1961) Davey, 1974; Emendation: Sarjeant, 1966b, p.142, as Heliodinium voigtii.

Originally Heliodinium, subsequently (and now) Hystrichodinium.
Possible tax. jr. synonym of Hystrichodinium oligacanthum Deflandre and Cookson, 1955, according to Backhouse, 1988.
Sarjeant, 1966, emended the diagnosis of this species as Heliodinium voigtii.

Holotype: Alberti, 1961, pl.8, fig,2
Locus typicus: Haverlahwiese, Germany
Stratum typicum: Barremian-Early Aptian
Translation Alberti, 1961: LPP

G.L. Williams short notes on species, Mesozoic-Cenozoic dinocyst course, Urbino, Italy, May 17-22, 1999 - LPP VIEWER CD-ROM 99.5.

Hystrichodinium voigtii (Alberti, 1961) Davey, 1974, emend. Sarjeant, 1966b. According to Sarjeant (1966b), this species has dagger-like processes, frequently highly folded, length less than half body diameter. Sutures generally marked by low ridges, but cingulum and antapex bordered by low crests. Distal ends of processes typically simple. Size: central body length 48-60 µm, width 38-56 µm, process length 16-36 µm.

Original diagnosis: Alberti, 1961, p.33: Heliodinium voigtii
(same as for genus) Shell polyedrical, partly rounded, sometimes ovoidal. Dorsoventral flattened. Epitheka slightly larger than Hypocyst or both of equal size. Tranverse furrow laevorotatory, slightly indented. Shell tabulate. Pre- and postcingular plates trapezoidal. Probably 6 preequatorial plates. Longitudinal furrow system present. On plate boundaries crests from which dagger-like processes arise.

Original description: Alberti, 1961, p.33
Sutures from which +/- long, basal widened processes arise are characteristic for H. voigtii. Six cingular plates are presumed, number of pre- and postcingular plates unknown. Postcingular plates trapezoidal. Longitudinal furrow relatively narrow. Membrane delicate and hyaline. Pylome trapezoidal.
Dimensions: Length of holotype: 48 Ám, breadth 38 Ám, length of processes 16-22 Ám. Range: length 49-60 Ám, breadth 40-56 Ám, length of processes 19-36 Ám.

Supplemental description: Davey, 1974, p.175
The shell is ovoidal to subpolygonal. The periphragm is smooth or slightly granular, and forms sutural crests and ribbon-like processes. The former are variably developed, may occasionally be absent, but when present give rise to long, flexuous processes along their length. When the crests are absent the processes arise directly from the shell surface. The processes are not confined to the plate boundaries and may be distributed at random over the shell surface. The processes are thin-walled, typically simple and occasionally terminate with bifurcate or trifurcate extremities. The cingulum (4-5 Ám wide) is always delimited by low crests and is strongly helicoid. A precingular archaeopyle, formed by the loss of plate 3", is typically present. One detached operculum has been located and bears five processes.
Dimensions: Range of observed specimens: shell length 40 (49.6) 62 Ám, width 40 (48.4) 58 Ám, length of processes 27 (35.6) 48 Ám. Number of specimens measured, 11.
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