Pareodinia aceras

Pareodinia aceras (Manum and Cookson, 1964) Davey and Verdier, 1974

Now Caligodinium. Originally Kalyptea, subsequently (and now) Caligodinium, thirdly Pareodinia.
Tax. sr. synonym of Caligodinium amiculum Drugg, 1970, according to Heilmann-
Clausen, 1985; however, Lentin and Williams, 1989 retained Caligodinium amiculum as a separate species. Lentin and Williams, 1975 retained this species in Caligodinium Drugg, 1970.
Holotype: Manum and Cookson, 1964, pl.6, fig.9
Locus typicus: Ellef Ringnes Island, Arctic Canada
Stratum typicum: Cenomanian

Original diagnosis: Manum and Cookson, 1964, p.27: Kalyptea aceras
Shell oval without horns or appendages, enclosed in a delicate, veil-like covering which extends beyond the shell to varying widths Shell-wall c. 2 ,u thick, its inner surface ornamented by a network composed of fairly regular meshes c. 1 µm across. A break present in most examples near one end of the shell is indicative of an apical archeopyle.

Holotype: shell 80 x 100 µm, overall 110 x 130 µm. Range: shell 70-80 x 90-105 µm.
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