Pareodinia minuta

Pareodinia minuta Wiggins, 1975

Tax. jr. synonym of Pareodinia (now Evansia) alaskensis Wiggins, 1975, according to Below, 1990.
Holotype: Wiggins, 1975, pl.2, fig.9
Paratype: Wiggins, 1975
Locus typicus: Staniukovich Formation, SOCAL outcrop locality 16178, Alaska Peninsula
Stratum typicum: Late Jurassic

Original diagnosis: Wiggins, 1975, p. 104
Proximate fossil cysts, ambitus ovoidal. Epitract and hypotract approximately equal, with little or no girdle representation. Cysts exhibit a very short but distinct apical horn, and a broadly rounded antapex. Reflected tabulation, other than archeopyle outline and operculum, not noted. Archeopyle intercalary, probably Type 3I. Cyst wall coarsely granulate to verrucose, with the intensity of ornament approximately equal over the entire cyst wall. Apicular structure occasionally present in the form of a minute apical rod.
Dimension: Holotype, 35 x 59 µm, paratype 25.5 x 56 µm.

Wiggins, 1975, p. 104: This species is separable from other forms by its small size and moderately coarse ornamentation. It resembles Pareodinia verrucosa, but it is less coarsely ornamented and considerably smaller in size.
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