Pareodinia wigginsii

Pareodinia "wigginsii" Smelror, 1988a, p.296,298, pl.8, figs.1–2; text-fig.12. Holotype: Smelror, 1988a, pl.8, fig.2. NOW Evansia. Originally Pareodinia, subsequently (and now) Evansia.

Etymology: Named in honor of Virgil D. Wiggins.
Holotype: S-14/51-0: B45/3, Plate VIII, 2.
Paratype: S-14/51-3: L53/0, Plate VIII, 1.
Age: early Oxfordian.
Type stratum and locality: Kong Karls Land, Hårfagrehaugen seStion, Retziusfjellet Member, 30.4 m above base.
Occurrence: Kong Karls Land, Håhrfagrehaugen section, Retziusfjellet Member, 30.4 m above base (Lower Oxfordian).

Original description (Smelror, 1988a)
Description: Dinoflagellate cyst ellipsoidal to ovoidal, drop-shaped in outline. The cyst exhibits a distinct short apical horn and a broadly rounded antapex. The cyst wall is single layered and possesses characteristic coarse verrucate ornament, which appears densely spaced on the autophragm. The archaeopyle is three-paraplate intercalary (type 3I). Some specimens with the operculum attached have been observed. Reflected tabulation other than the archaeopyle outline and the opercular paraplates is not noted. Evidence of a paracingulum or parasulcus has not been observed in any of the specimens examined.
Length (including apical horn) 43-47 [µm, with 25-34 µm (5 specimens measured. Holotype: Length 45 µm, width 31µm.

Remarks: Pareodinia wigginsii n. sp. appears similar to Pareodinia sp. C. of Wiggins 1975, but the latter is somewhat larger (38 × 58 µn in Pareodinia sp. C. versus 32×45 µm in P. wigginsii n. sp.) and P. wigginsii n. sp. has more densely spaced verrucate ornament. Bjærke (1977) illustrated a Pareodinia sp. D from the lower part of the Janusi~ellet Formation on Kongsoya, Kong Karls Land. This species seems closely related to Pareodinia sp. C of Wiggins 1975; however, neither Wiggins nor Bjærke gave any descriptions of their specimens. Pareodinia wigginsiz n. sp. seems similar to the specimens described as Pareodinia cf. verrucosa (Vozzhennikova) Wiggins 1975 by Fensome (1979) from the lower part of the Vardefloft Formation on Jameson Land, East Greenland. As noted by Fensome, these specimens differ from P. verrucosa (=Gochteodinia verrucosa (Vozzhennikova) Dörhöfer and Davis 1980) by possessing a much shorter apical horn and lacking any indication of a paracingulum. In addition Pareodinia wigginsii (and P. cf. verrucosa of Fensome, 1979) differs from Gochteodinia verrucosa in having a 3I archeopyle, while the latter species possesses a 2I archeopyle.
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