Palaeotetradinium minusculum
Palaeotetradinium minisculum (Alberti, 1961) Stover and Evitt, 1978
Originally Wetzeliella subgen. Rhombodinium, subsequently Rhombodinium?, thirdly Inversidinium, fourthly (and now) Palaeotetradinium.
Tax. sr. synonym of Inversidinium exilimurum McLean, 1973, according to Stover and Evitt, 1978.
Holotype: Alberti, 1961, pl.1, fig.10
Locus typicus: Hildesheim, Germany
Stratum typicum: Early Eocene
Translation Alberti, 1961: LPP
Original diagnosis: Alberti, 1961, p. 10: Weteliella (Rhombodinium) miniscula
Shell flattened, almost rhomboedrical; wepitheca triangular slightly elongated. Lateral horns short, indented at the free ends. Transverse furrow indicated. Epitheca shorter than the inverse hat-shaped hypotheca. With two antapical bulges, separated by parallel to the longitudinal direction running gap. Presumably with a delicate inner body. The shell membrane is transparent, yellowish. A transverse furrow is indicated on one side ( may be a fault). A pylome is questionable.
Originally Wetzeliella subgen. Rhombodinium, subsequently Rhombodinium?, thirdly Inversidinium, fourthly (and now) Palaeotetradinium.
Tax. sr. synonym of Inversidinium exilimurum McLean, 1973, according to Stover and Evitt, 1978.
Holotype: Alberti, 1961, pl.1, fig.10
Locus typicus: Hildesheim, Germany
Stratum typicum: Early Eocene
Translation Alberti, 1961: LPP
Original diagnosis: Alberti, 1961, p. 10: Weteliella (Rhombodinium) miniscula
Shell flattened, almost rhomboedrical; wepitheca triangular slightly elongated. Lateral horns short, indented at the free ends. Transverse furrow indicated. Epitheca shorter than the inverse hat-shaped hypotheca. With two antapical bulges, separated by parallel to the longitudinal direction running gap. Presumably with a delicate inner body. The shell membrane is transparent, yellowish. A transverse furrow is indicated on one side ( may be a fault). A pylome is questionable.