Oligosphaeridium paradoxum

Oligosphaeridium? paradoxum (Brosius, 1963) Davey and Williams, 1969

Now Distatodinium. Originally Hystrichosphaeridium, subsequently Tanyosphaeridium, thirdly Oligosphaeridium?, fourthly (and now) Distatodinium, fifthly Bipolaribucina.
At the time of the transfer, Davey and Williams, 1969, questionably included this species in Oligosphaeridium.
This combination was not validly published in Davey and Williams, 1966, since these authors did not fully reference the basionym.
Davey and Williams, 1966, questionably included the species in Oligosphaeridium.
Holotype: Brosius, 1963, pl.4, fig.6
Paratype: Brosius, 1963
Locus typicus: Stolzenbach borehole, S of Borken, Germany
Stratum typicum: Late Oligocene
Translation Brosius, 1963: LPP

Original description: Brosius 1963, p. 41: Hystrichosphaeridium paradoxum
Diagnosis: The cigar-shaped oval body has a tender, smooth to finely granulate
membrane. The irregularly arranged hollow processes are connected to the body with a broadened base. They vary considerably in development and length. The principally occuring process-type broadens funnel-like distally. The outer rim bears several very long, whip-like and branched appendices. Additionally, single and branched tubes occur as well. Fused bases between two processes occur regularly. In most specimens a calotte is split off as a pylome at one of the narrow sides. Dimensions: Holotype: L:B without processes 58:27 µm, process length 26 µm. Mean L:B without processes 60:30 µm, processes 18-50 µm. 20 specimens.
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