Oligosphaeridium tenuiprocessum

Oligosphaeridium tenuiprocessum Singh, 1983, p.123–124, pl.42, figs.1–4. Holotype: Singh, 1983, pl.42, fig.1; Fauconnier and Masure, 2004, pl.61, fig.4. Age: latest Albian–early Cenomanian.

Original description: Singh, 1983, p. 123
Skolochorate cysts; central body spherical, smooth, bearing 17 long, narrow, hollow, intratabular processes reflecting a paratabulation formula: 4", 6", 5""", 1p, 1""""; endophragm and periphragm of the central body appressed between the processes; periphragm forming the processes; stems of the processes 1 to 2 µm wide; processes widening slightly at the base and open distally; tips of the processes slightly flared and fringed with a few, 4- to 6 µm long, recurved spines; antapical and postcingular processes slightly longer than the apical and precingular processes; length of the processes from 1/2 to 3/4 of the diameter of the central body; paracingular zone moderately wide, without processes; archeopyle apical, type tA; operculum free.
Size range: Overall dimension including the processes 70(85)100 µm. Holotype 90 µm. Diameter of the central body 36(41)45 µm. Holotype 43 µm. Length of the processes 16(27)32 µm. Holotype 16 to 30 µm. Specimens measured 20.

Singh, 1983, p. 123-124: Oligosphaeridium tenuiprocessum is characterized by long processes with very narrow stems terminating with long, recurved spines. The antapical and postcingular processes are slightly longer than the apical and precingular ones. The barren paracingular zone is moderately wide.
O. tenuiprocessum resembles Oligosphaeridium asterigerum and Oligosphaeridium intermedium, in having long, recurved spines at the distal ends of the processes, but differs in having processes with very narrow stems and a wider paracingular zone.
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