Membranilarnax reticulovata

Membranilarnax reticulovata Tasch, 1964

Originally Membranilarnax, subsequently Membranilarnacia.
Tax. jr. synonym of the acritarch species Schizosporis reticulata Cookson and Dettmann, 1959, according to Pierce, 1976.
Holotype: Tasch, 1964, pl.2, fig.3
Locus typicus: Clark County, Kansas, U.S.A.
Stratum typicum: Albian

Original diagnosis: Tasch, 1964, p.192
Shell subovate, bearing irregular polygons that form a network of varisized reticulations on the inner capsule; with thin, brief processes, bifurcate at ends and joined by a fine membrane. The membrane and the inner capsule give the appearance of double spheres ("Doppelkugeln") that Wetzel first observed.
Dimensions: Maximum diameter exclusive of fringe, 80 Ám; width of fringe (processes and membrane), 8-10 Ám; maximum diameter of irregular polygons, 8 Ám.

Tasch, 1964, p.192: The new species most clearly resembles M. ovulum in reticulations and fringe of connected processes. It differs from that species in configuration and in the processes themselves, which, in the new species, are more bifurcate. The double sphere effect is also more clearly defined in the new species.
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