Membranosphaera norvickii

Membranosphaera norvickii Burger, 1980

Now Batiacasphaera. Originally Membranosphaera, subsequently Kallosphaeridium, thirdly (and now) Batiacasphaera.
Holotype: Burger, 1980, pl.26, fig.7
Age: Albian

Original description (Burger, 1980)
Holotype: BMR Roma 9, depth 61.0 m (200 it 1 in); Wa1- lumbilla Formation, Coreena Member. Cretaceous, early Albian (MFP 4616-4,431/1042; CPC 16349. PI. 26, fig. 7).

Description: Cyst approximately spherical; cyst wall two-layered, acavate, and 1.5-2 ",ID thick. Archaeopyle apical, large, circular in outline; margin undulate or notched. No paracingulum or other paratabulation are apparent. Endophragm thin, psilate, periphragm of a finely spongy nature, in top view microgranulate to microrugulate, or imperfectly microreticulate. Dimensions: Length of one entire specimen 74 (Lm; apical diameter (11 dehisced specimens) 54-67 (Lm, width (14 specimens) 53-84 (Lm. Distribution: A rare species in some assemblages of the upper part of the Odontochitina operculata Zone, and the Pseudoceratium turneri Zone. Comments: This species is readily distinguished by its size, its large apical archaeopyle, and evenly, finely sculptured periphragm. It differs from Canningia minor Cookson & Hughes by its stratified wall and the more intricate surface pattern. An archaeopyle is always present, and an operculum is still attached in a few specimens.

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