Microdinium deflandrei

Microdinium deflandrei Millioud, 1969; Emendations: Habib, 1973, p.52, as Druggidium deflandrei; Below, 1987b, p.58–59, as Rhaphidodinium deflandrei.

Now Druggidium. Originally Microdinium, subsequently (and now) Druggidium, thirdly Raphidodinium.
Holotype: Millioud, 1969, pl.2, fig.5-6
Locus typicus: Angles, SE France
Stratum typicum: Barremian

Original diagnosis: Millioud 1969, p. 429
A Microdinium having a rounded epitract and a somewhat rectangular hypotract. Epitract considerably smaller than hypotract; cingulum broad, weakly helicoidal. Tabulation only weakly indicated, but probably similar to that of Microdinium ornatum; sutures low, probably perforate. Wall finer vacuolar and sometimes scabrate. Archeopyle apical, open in some specimens.
Dimensions: Range: Length: 31-41 Ám; Width: 20-27 Ám; Length/width ratio: 1.25-1.72; width of cingulum: 3.5-5 Ám.
Additions: M.deflandrei is characterised by a very small epitract (in comparison with the hypotract). The antapex is flattened, giving to the hypotract a rounded rectangular outline. The cingulum is broad, sligthly displaced. The very faint tabulation is probably similar to that described by Cookson and Eisenack for Microdinium ornatum. M.deflandrei has low crests (less than 1 Ám), often showing a row of perforations; its wall seems sometimes vacuolar, sometimes scabrate.
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