Lejeunecysta granosa

Lejounecysta granosa Biffi and Grignani, 1983

Holotype: Biffi and Grignanai, 1983, pl.4, fig.2
Paratype: Biffi and Grignanai, 1983
Locus typicus: Niger Delta, Nigeria
Stratum typicum: Oligocene

Original diagnosis: Biffi and Grignanai, 1983, p.134
Autocyst proximate, peridinioid, compressed dorsoventrally with pentagonal ambitus. Apex acuminate. Two antapical horns short, conical, pointed to slightly rounded. Antapical depression shallow. Cyst sides straight to slightly convex. Autophragm covered with low granules. Holotype shows in dorsal view a bare pandasutural zone below paracingulum, possibly reflecting plate growth in parent theca. Paracingulum indented, expressed by two transverse, echinate ridges. Paracingular area sometimes slightly inflated. Parasulcus, when evident, marked by absence of ornamentation. Hexa archeopyle formed by loss of intercalary 2a, symmetrically situated on middorsal line, extending almost to paracingulum.
Dimensions: Holotype: autocyst length 85 Ám, breadth 94 Ám. Other specimens: autocyst length 72-90 Ám, breadth 75-95 Ám. Number of specimens measured, 10.

Biffi and Grignanai, 1983, p. 134: Lejeunecysta granosa differs from L. spatiosa Lentin and Williams,1981 in having a paracingulum bordered by two rows of spinules. It is similar to L. Iata, but we believe that the presence of the ornamentation features and the echinate paracingulum are sufficient to separate the two species. Furthermore, they have a different stratigraphic range.
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