Lingulodinium brevispinosum

Lingulodinium "brevispinosum" Matsuoka and Bujak, 1988, p.60-61, pl.7, figs.8a-b,9; pl.8, fig.1.

Holotype: Matsuoka and Bujak, 1988, pl.7, figs.8a-b; Head, 1994b, pl.8, figs.2-5.
Taxonomic senior synonym: Hystrichosphaeridium (as and now Lingulodinium) machaerophorum, according to Kokinos and Anderson (1995, p.162).
Paratype: Matsuoka and Bujak, 1988
Locus typicus: Navarin Basin COST No. 1 Well, Navarin Basin, Bering Sea
Stratum typicum: Heteraulacacysta campanula Zone; Late Oligocene-Eearly Miocene

Original diagnosis: Matsuoka and Bujak, 1988, p.60
Intermediate subspherical proximochorate cyst. Cyst wall consisting of granulate periphragm and thin endophragm closely adpressed except at processes. No features except for archeopyle sutures representing paratabulation. Processes apparently nontabular, hollow, short, roundly conical to bulbose, and closed distally. Archeopyle compound precingular (from 2" (?) to 5" paraplates) or sometimes a combination of the precingular and apical paraplates (all apical paraplates + 2n (?) to 5" paraplates). Archeopyle sutures complete, but operculum sometimes remaining attached.

Original description: Matsuoka and Bujak, 1988, p.60
The proximochorate cyst is spherical to subspherical when complete. The periphragm is thick and granular, and forms many nontabular processes which are short, bulbose to roundly conical approximately 0.15 of the cyst diameter and lacks spinose ornament. Paratabulation is not indicated by any features except for the archeopyle.
Dimensions: Holotype; cyst diameter 50 x 52 Ám, length of processes 6-8 Ám. Range: cyst diameter 40-54 Ám, length of process 6-8 Ám. Number of specimens measured: 5.
Thecal affinities: Unknown; probably related to the Gonyaulacaceae based on the comparison of the archeopyle of the modern cyst Lingulodinium machaerophorum.

Matsuoka and Bujak, 1988, p.60: Lingulodinium brevispinosum is characterized by its short processes. This species is similar to the specimens assigned to Lingulodinium machaerophorum (Deflandre and Cookson) from upper Pleistocene to Holocene sediments of the Black Sea illustrated by Wall and Dale (in Wall et al., 1973) in having short processes. However, the latter differs from Lingulodinium brevispinosum in possessing larger distal nodules on the processes.
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