Kallosphaeridium ringnesiorum

Kallosphaeridium? ringnesiorum (Manum and Cookson, 1964, p.15, pl.2, fig.10) Helby, 1987, p.324–325.

Originally Canningia, subsequently Canningia?, thirdly Batiacasphaera, fourthly Chytroeisphaeridia, fifthly (and now) Kallosphaeridium. Questionable assignment: Helby (1987, p.324–325).
The epithet is correctly rendered as "ringnesiorum", rather than "ringnesii", since the species is named for the Ringnes brothers. Tocher and Jarvis (1987, p.151) also proposed this combination, but without question.

Holotype: Manum and Cookson, 1964, pl.2, fig.10
Locus typicus: Ellef Ringnes Island, Arctic Canada
Stratum typicum: Campanian-Maastrichtian

Original description: Manum and Cookson, 1964, p.15-16: Canningia ringnesii
Shell almost circular, sometimes slightly broader than long, with or without a slight apical projection. Archeopyle apical, formed by the rupture of the shell along a more or less straight line a short distance behind the apex, sometimes small V-shaped notches can be observed along the edge. Wall thin, in surface view with a finely dotted pattern, in optical section the ornament is seen to be composed of somewhat club-shaped elements c. 1.0 µm Iong.
Dimensions: Holotype: 92 µm long, 93 µm broad. Range: 64-102 µm long, 57-100 µm broad.

Manum and Cookson, 1964, p. 16: Canningia ringnesii
Of the described species of Canningia, C. ringnesii comes closest to C. colliveri Cookson & Eisenack (1960b p. 251). It differs from the latter in the absence of an antapical indentation and in the composition of the shell-wall.
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